BeeThink MusicHandle – NEW 2012

BeeThink MusicHandle is an easy-to-use program that will help you convert MP3, WAV, WMA, OGG files from one format to another.
BeeThink MusicHandle supports adjusting (normalize) volume and changing the bit rate of audio file. In the mp3-encoding case, you can use Lame 3.90.3, Lame 3.92, Lame 3.96.1 encoders in this program. And for the advanced user, you can use the command line as same as working with the lame executable file.

    * Convert MP3,WMA,OGG,WAV files from one format to another.
    * Normalize your MP3,WMA,OGG,WAV files.
    * Multi-lame encoders are supported.
    * Lame encoders with command line switches .
    * Windows Media Format 9.1 series is supported.
    * Ogg 1.1.2 is supported.
    * ID Tags are preserved in the new converted files.
    * Easy to use (just one click of a mouse, or dragging the audio files and dropping it onto another folder).
    * Folder conversion is supported.


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