Internet Explorer
F1: will display the Internet Explorer help
F11: will allow the full screen option
TAB KEY: will enable you to move through the items, address bar and links on your webpage
ALT+HOME: will go to your home page
ALT+LEFT ARROW: will go to the previous page
SHIFT+F10: will display a shortcut menu for the link
CTRL+TAB: will move forward between tabs
SHIFT+CTRL+TAB: will move back between frames
UP ARROW KEY: will scroll towards the beginning of the webpage
DOWN ARROW KEY: will scroll towards the end to the webpage
PAGE UP: will scroll by sections towards the beginning of the webpage
PAGE DOWN: will scroll by sections towards the end of the webpage
HOME: will move directly to the beginning of the webpage
END: will move directly to the end of the webpage
CTRL+F: will find some text on the page
F5: will refresh the current page
ESC: will stop loading the page
CTRL+ N: will open a new window
CTRL+ E: will open the Search option in the Explorer bar
CTRL+ I: will open the Favorites option in Explorer bar
CTRL+ H: will open the History option in Explorer bar
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