Microsoft Excel
CTRL+ N: will promptly open an Excel document
CTRL+ O: will open a previously saved Excel document
CTRL+ W: will close the current window without exiting Excel
CTRL+ S: will save the current document
CTRL+ P: will promptly print the current document
CTRL+ Z: will undo the last action
CTRL+ Y: will restore an undone action

CTRL+ X: will cut the selected text
CTRL+ C: will copy the selected text
CTRL+ V: will paste the selected text
CTRL+ A: will select the whole document
CTRL+ F: will search for a specific text in the current document
CTRL+ B: will bold the selected text
CTRL+ I: will put in italics the selected text
CTRL+ U: will underline the selected text
F1: will prompt the Help option
F2: will edit the document
F3: will paste the name
F4: will repeat the last action
F5: will open the Go To option
F6: will switch to the next pane
F7: will launch the Spell Check option
F8: will allow the Extend Mode
F9: will recalculate all workbooks
F10: will activate the menu bar
F11: will open a new chart


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